October 14, 2020
Start by dissolving your menthol crystals. If you use essential oils in your formula, that can help. Adding some isopropyl alcohol might be required to fully dissolve. It takes a few minutes, Use only enough iso to dissolve the crystals.
Be very careful when using menthol. If you get some directly on your skin it may burn. At full concentration it is powerful
2 grams of essential oils if using
Use a small solid pvc type mold as silicone molds can be tricky to with. An ice cube mold works great. See our guest size lotus mold here.
ONE: In a large bowl, combine the baking soda and citric acid. Break down all the lumps until the mixture resembles a powder. Use a metal strainer for faster results. Citric acid has a tendency to take off nail polish, so wear gloves to protect your manicure and a face mask to avoid breathing in the powders.Comments will be approved before showing up.