Activated - Food Grade - Very-Fine Activated Charcoal has an all-natural black colour with a very small particle size to produce an even distribution of colour in products. Made from coconut shells, washed for purity, and pH neutral. Commonly used in cold process soap, bath products, and facial masks. Use it as a natural colourant to give your products a true black or dark grey colour.
Physical Form:
Particle size: 0.4 - 44 microns (Sieve #325)
INCI: Activated Carbon
Surface Area: 1500 m2/g
Tapped Density (g/cc): .33
pH: Neutral 7-9
Country or Origin: USA
Solubility: Disperses in Water
Add to salves and creams and soap
Add 1/4 tsp per pound of soap. Add to a small amount of your soap badder, then add to your soap batch.
Best Used By: One year from date of purchase.
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Awesome product. Highly recommend. Great for DIY toothpaste.
Will buy again, awesome alternative to artificial colourant.
It is very good