
I Dream of Purple Mad Mica

Does Not Bleed

We were big fans of I Dream of Jeannie, but we're even bigger fans of I Dream Of Purple. Awesome in all of its purple-ey glory, it reminds of of the inside of Jeannie's bottle.

A sparkly light purple that will mesmerize you whether it's coloring your products or sprinkled on top of them. A lilac-lavender-dreamy-mermaid mica that you will go GA-GA for.


Stable In SoapSoap
FDA-permitted for eye area useEyes
FDA-permitted for lip area useLips
FDA-permitted for external use (nails)Nails
FDA-permitted for external useExternal
Beautiful in resinResin
Great for arts and craftsCrafts
Works in wax meltsMelts

* Bath bombs fall under "Lips."

I Dream Of Purple SDS COA
Product Type
FDA-Permitted for External Use Yes
FDA-Permitted for Eye Area Use Yes
FDA-Permitted for General (Including Lips) Use Yes
FDA-Permitted for Bath Bombs Use Yes
Particle Size 10–60 μm
Ingredients Mica, titanium dioxide, tin oxide, manganese violet
Cold process soap 1½-2 tsp per lb. of oils OR 2½-3 g per pound of batter
Melt & pour soap ½ tsp per lb. of MP base

  • Usage rates can be varied to lighten or darken hue. Listed amounts create bright colours with no colored suds.
  • White MP base will always create a pastel form of the colour due to titanium dioxide in base.
  • To use in bath bombs or other bath products (water applications), we recommend using polysorbate 80 at a rate of approximately 2% of your total batch weight (dry and wet ingredients). This should allow the colour to disperse evenly and eliminate mica from floating on the water's surface or leaving a ring of colour around the tub.

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