
Summer Bronze Mad Mica

Does Not Bleed

    We are convinced that this gorgeous Summer Bronze is pure sunshine! The super-fine particle size helps make this light coppery (with specs of gold!) mica perfect for use in make up.

    A definite must-have addition to any colour palette.

    OK FOR:

    Stable In SoapSoap
    FDA-permitted for eye area useEyes
    FDA-permitted for lip area useLips FDA-permitted for use on lips
    FDA-permitted for external use (nails)Nails
    FDA-permitted for external useExternal
    Beautiful in resinResin
    Great for arts and craftsCrafts
    Works in wax meltsMelts
    * Bath bombs fall under "Lips."
    Summer Bronze
    Product Type
    FDA-Permitted for External Use Yes
    FDA-Permitted for Eye Area Use Yes
    FDA-Permitted for General (Including Lips) Use Yes
    FDA-Permitted for Bath Bombs Use Yes
    Particle Size 5–25 μm
    Ingredients Mica, iron oxide

    Usage rates can be varied to lighten or darken hue.
    • White MP base will always create a pastel form of the colour due to titanium dioxide in base.
    • For mica-specific information not available on this page, please consult provided data sheets.
    Cold process soap 1½-2 tsp per lb. of oils OR 2½-3 g per pound of batter
    Melt & pour soap ½ tsp per lb. of MP base
    • Usage rates can be varied to lighten or darken hue.
    • White MP base will always create a pastel form of the colour due to titanium dioxide in base.
    • For mica-specific information not available on this page, please consult provided data sheets.

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