– Sold OutLatin Name: Althea officinalis
Country of Origin: Serbia
Approx. Cups per pound
Infuse in oil or water and strain to use in your preparations
It can be used to treat hot and dry skin conditions, including rosacea, sensitive or dry skin, as well as aging skin. It is great for soothing and relieving your scalp and hair but it’s also super slippery so it’s great for slip! Slip is the slipperiness of a product and of course the more slip the better as it will help remove tangles, knots and your hair from coiling around itself. When discussing slip we are normally discussing conditioner and detangling products.
Marshmallow Root adds wonderful slip to your curls or just to soothe dry hair .
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Haven't used yet but they look great and anxious to use them.
I was looking for Marshmallow root powder, but this option was more affordable. I ground them into powder, warm infused them into oil, and made a Marshmallow infused soap - its still curing, but it looks PERFECT.