This is the most amazing neroli I have ever met? If you have ever spent any time in a blooming orange grove, well this is it. If you check the internet, Tunisia produces the best in the world and you will see why when you have a sniff!
Uses - Neroli oil increases circulation and stimulates new cell growth. It can prevent scarring and stretch marks. It is useful in treating skin conditions linked to emotions or stress, as it calms the emotions as well as the skin. Any type of skin can benefit from neroli oil, although it is wonderful for dry, irritated or sensitive skin. It regulates oiliness and minimizes enlarged pores. Neroli oil can help to clear acne and blemished skin, especially if the skin lacks' moisture. With regular treatment, it can reduce the appearance of fragile or broken capillaries and varicose veins.
Processing Method: Steam Distilled
Description / Colour / Consistency: A thin, clear, pale yellow liquid.
Country of Origin: Tunisia
INCI: Citrus Aurantium Amara Flower Oil
Top Note
Cautions - Generally non-toxic, non-irritant, non sensitizing.
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