
Space Walk Mica Mad Mica

Does Not Bleed
Uncharted Colors™ are painstakingly created and tested by Mad Mica lab. They are available only from Mad Micas and authorized resellers.

This fantastic mica/pigment blend is a deep, gorgeous navy blue with golden sparkles unlike anything we've ever seen. It was created to evoke what we imagine one might see stepping out of the space station into the vast universe.

Absolutely stunning in both CP and MP soap, Space Walk becomes a never-ending sky in epoxy resin. This colour is rich and velvety, deep and dark.

Space Walk is one of six amazing new Uncharted Colors in our Deep Space Series, inspired by photographs captured by the James Webb Space Telescope.

Stable In SoapSoap
FDA-permitted for eye area useEyes  FDA-permitted for eye area use
Not FDA-permitted for use on lipsLips
FDA-permitted for external use (nails)Nails
FDA-permitted for external useExternal
Beautiful in resinResin
Great for arts and craftsCrafts
Not suitableMelts

* Bath bombs fall under "Lips." 

Space Walk
Product Type
FDA-Permitted for External Use Yes
FDA-Permitted for Eye Area Use Yes
FDA-Permitted for General (Including Lips) Use No
FDA-Permitted for Bath Bombs Use No
Particle Size .2–700 μm
Ingredients Mica, titanium dioxide, black iron oxide, fluorphlogopite, ultramarine, tin dioxide
Cold process soap 1½-2 tsp per lb. of oils OR 2½-3 g per pound of batter
Melt & pour soap ½ tsp per lb. of MP base
  • Usage rates can be varied to lighten or darken hue. Listed amounts create bright colours with no coloured suds.
  • White MP base will always create a pastel form of the colour due to titanium dioxide in base.
  • To use in bath bombs or other bath products (water applications), we recommend using polysorbate 80 (or natural alternative olive solubilizer) at a rate of approximately 2% of your total batch weight (dry and wet ingredients). This should allow the colour to disperse evenly and eliminate mica from floating on the water's surface or leaving a ring of colour around the tub.
  • For mica-specific information not available on this page, please consult provided data sheets.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Beryl Moseanko
    Space Walk Mica

    This mica gives a lovely dark teal blue to a navy blue with a touch of gold sparkle.